
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Another Movie Night

I can’t believe we watched another movie this evening.  We have been watching movies that have come out within the past 3 or 4 years, but tonight it was a blast from the past, well not that far past actually.  From 1998 (I guess that was in the last century), Cocoon, the Return.  I hadn’t seen the first Cocoon, so Gene tried to remember what he could and filled me in.  It was a real “feel good” movie and we both enjoyed it.

This morning we went for a walk along the greenway.  That was the first for that since the rain set in a couple weeks ago.  As always, it was good to get out and stretch and breathe in some fresh air.  We walked about 4 miles.  That was long enough to get really cold.  With the walk I didn’t feel quite so guilty eating a few pieces of the wonderful peanut brittle given to us by our neighbors.

We are beginning to concentrate on the festivities for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  We are going to my parents’ on Christmas Eve.  It will be a very casual soup supper.  I’m in charge of making the vegetable beef soup.  That’ll be easy.  Christmas Day most of my family will be coming here.  I don’t think I can count on the weather being warm enough to eat outside and since there isn’t much room in the Montana for very many to eat at the table, I had to be a little creative for Christmas Dinner.  How does sandwiches sound?  Kroger had hams and turkeys on sale this week so we stopped by to pick up one of each.  In my opinion, you can’t hardly beat a slice of roasted turkey on a dinner roll.  I think it will be fine.  If it goes well, who knows, it may turn into a real family tradition.

We are battening down the hatches for the cold weather forecast for tomorrow.  With a low tomorrow night of 13 degrees, we needed to take a few precautions with our water system.  Today Gene filled up our fresh water tank so we can disconnect our hoses from the water faucet outside.  All our holding tanks are enclosed in the “basement” in our Montana and the basement is heated.  As long as we have the furnace on we will be in no danger of any plumbing freezing.

We are looking forward to church with mother tomorrow morning then my dad is making Philly steak sandwiches for our lunch.  I’m licking my lips already.

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