
Monday, November 17, 2008

A Stay At Home Day

Sometimes I just have to hibernate.  Today was one of those very lazy, stay at home days.  This morning we had a great visit with our neighbors Tony and Diana.  We had spoken with them briefly a couple days ago, but this morning they came over for coffee and conversation.  We had a few great laughs talking about various RV lifestyle episodes like downsizing from home ownership, HD TV set up, and maintenance issues.  It was amazing how many interests we have in common.  It so happens that many of their upcoming destinations are similar to our tentative plans.  Hopefully, our paths will cross again soon.
New Friends, Tony and Diana

I did drag myself off the sofa this afternoon to do a few chores.  Defrosting the freezer looms large in my near future, but today I was able to find other appliances that needed some soap and a little elbow grease.

We rented another movie—Aviator—the story of Howard Hughes.  That’s makes two in less than a week.  This may be a new record for us.  It was pretty long so we thought we would watch the first part this afternoon and the rest after dinner.  However, we got into it and never found a good stopping point.  Needless to say, we missed the news and had a late dinner.

Tomorrows plan to take my aunt down to the country has been postponed.  She is a bit under the weather with a cold.  We have plenty of time for that trip another day.  Speaking of family history, I did a little internet research today and found that, yes indeed, Thomas Edison did visit the tiny community of Coble where my grandparents lived.  He was there in 1906 looking for cobalt deposits.  Many times my grandmother told me she had seen Mr. Edison and I must admit I was skeptical.

Since I am not going to the country with my aunt tomorrow, no telling what kind of mischief I can find to get into.

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