
Friday, November 14, 2008

Only in Nashville

It’s another dreary day and after being out and about all day yesterday, it wasn’t a day I wanted to go anywhere.  We went for our walk around the campground this morning.  We spent some of that time talking with our new neighbors, Tony and Dianna.  They were on their way to the greenway.  We enjoyed that brief visit and look forward to exchanging stories with them again.

I had laundry to do, but just couldn’t get motivated for that chore this morning.  As it turned out, I am glad I waited.  After lunch I loaded up and headed to the laundry room.  To my surprise, there was a guitar leaning against the wall in the corner and pages of hand written notes spread out on the folding table.  There was no one present, however.  I went about putting my clothes in the washers and sat down to “attend to the machines” as the sign on the wall says I have to do.  In a few minutes, a gentleman comes in and takes a seat in front of all those pages of notes.  He sings a few bars under his breath then takes up the guitar to play.  Apparently, as I was attending to my laundry, I was witness and audience to a fledgling song writer.  I’m sure, only in Nashville, would this have occurred.  What a privilege—and he wasn’t so bad.  Perhaps I should have gotten his autograph.

While I was busy with the laundry and show, Gene was getting new tires installed on the truck.  That certainly wasn’t cheap and right here at the holiday gift buying season.  Oh well, better to be safe than sorry and there is, in my opinion, never a really good time to buy tires.

We are in for a treat tonight—pizza and a movie.  The pizza is ordered and should be here any moment.  We rented a movie from the campground office this morning.  We rarely watch movies.  Gene likes to say the last movie we saw was Ben Hur.  That’s not really true; I think it was actually the second Lord of the Rings film.  But you get the idea—we don’t often watch movies.  We rented Cold Mountain for tonight.  They have several at the office that we want to see.  Maybe we can start a trend while we’re here.

Tomorrow we’re planning to hike with Tennessee Trails Hiking Club.  We’re looking forward to that and seeing our friends.

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