
Thursday, November 6, 2008


This park is all but full tonight and if I didn’t know better, I’d think I was in Florida.  It seems like every RV here has either Quebec, Ontario, or Florida tags.  As I was doing laundry this afternoon I found out the reason for that.  There were a couple ladies in there with orange t-shirts on.  It’s not too unusual to see orange in Tennessee so I didn’t think much about it until they started talking football.  Now I’m not much of a football fan.  It’s not that I don’t like the game; it’s just that I never developed a great interest in team sports—football, baseball, or anything.  I’m not so far out of it that I don’t recognize such team paraphernalia as flags and mascots and such as that.  One day last week we were walking around the campground and passed a site with a green flag with a large “G” in the middle.  I commented to Gene they must be Georgia fans.  He is a little more with it than I am and pointed out that the flag would be red if that were the case.  Anyway, in the laundry room I soon learned that Florida is playing here this weekend.  Of course, it took the entire wash cycle and part of the drying for me to figure out they were playing Vanderbilt.

We get to mark one big chore off our “Nashville List”.  Today we both went to the dentist.  Before that, Gene went for his physical.  Now I feel like we are making some progress.  It was not a stress free morning, however.  We got up and out early for his 8 AM appointment.  In an effort to be more efficient with our fuel, we had scheduled our dental appointments for later this morning.  The plan was to go to Green Hills for his appointment, then have a leisurely breakfast somewhere before going to the dentist.  Of course, we had to add the grocery shopping afterwards since I didn’t get that done yesterday.  This plan unraveled when his doctor sent him for a bone density test.  We raced back downtown for the bone density which wasn’t previously scheduled. As we were making our way round and round in the parking garage with just 6 inches to spare from the roof of the truck to every support beam we vowed to get the smallest car made when we no longer have to have a truck to tow our home.  We really had no hopes of being worked in anytime soon.  However, we waited only a few minutes until they called him back.  From there we grabbed a bite at a McDonald’s drive thru on our way to the dentist in Bellevue.

Now, with those doctor’s appointments out of the way and the laundry and grocery shopping done, I am looking forward to a nice dinner of pan fried fish and a relaxing evening.  I might just put on an orange tee shirt and walk around the campground to visit with the Gator fans.  They seem to be in a festive mood.

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