
Monday, November 3, 2008

Clean Carpets

It was a bright, sunny day—a great day to leave the door and windows open to dry our carpet.  After three years of constant use, our carpets needed a good scrubbing.  We have from day one tried to keep as much of the outside dirt and grim as possible out of our Montana.  We have a welcome mat outside and a throw rug inside at the door to catch as much loose dirt as possible.  We usually take our shoes off, especially if we are in to stay.  But for those quick trips in and out we get lazy.  And like the owner’s manual recommends, I try to run the vacuum at least twice a week.  But as anyone who lives in an RV and in RV parks knows, the amount of dust is remarkable and the amount of dirt, gravel, and leaves that is tracked in is incredible.

From living on Music Valley Drive for several winters, we were familiar with a mobile RV cleaning service in this area.  In fact, Gene had used this same service a couple winters ago to wash and wax our rig and was very pleased with their work.  We contacted them to clean our carpets and today was the day.  They came this morning and it really didn’t take very long.  Of course, we had spent the early morning getting everything off the floor.  I was almost embarrassed at the amount of stuff I keep on the floor—everything from Peanut’s toy box to the computer printer, to my knitting.  Since there is not much place else in an RV, it was piled on the bed and sofa.  We took the dining chairs outside on the concrete patio.  Now they need to be vacuumed because they cut the grass while they were out there.  Oh well.

RV carpets are not known for their high quality so you don’t want to soak them too much and get the subflooring wet.  We were not surprised, therefore, when the cleaner said they would be dry in a couple hours.  As it turned out, that was only partially true.  The open areas are pretty dry, but in the corners, under the desk and table, and any area where the air doesn’t circulate well is still damp tonight.  Consequently, all that stuff I piled on the sofa and bed are still on the sofa and bed.  We did bring the dining chairs in.  We have 3 portable fans scattered about and they are doing the job.  I’m confident it will be fine by morning.

The carpets do look great; almost like new.  The refrigerator, on the other hand, is still not fixed and the part did not come in today.  We’ll see what tomorrow brings.  I hope it brings a Dometic cooling system.

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