
Friday, October 10, 2008

Visiting With Cousins

I spent most of the day surfing the internet for some clues to the family mysteries. I found a great site to fill in gaps in the Ashcraft history, especially some of those tombstones I got pictures of on Monday. One thing just jumped out at me late last night. I had assumed all the Ashcrafts in this area were buried at Frazeysburg Cemetery. In my notes, I had Broomstick Cemetery listed as the place of burial for Daniel B, Gene’s GGG grandfather and I thought that was in West Virginia. Last night I was looking at the Coshocton County Genealogy site and low and behold there was a picture of Broomstick Cemetery. Now I am certain there is another cemetery to be found. The library did not have the book I wanted to see, so will put that on the back burner for now. I was able to find out that the book is still in print and available for purchase from the author. I want to see a copy first before I spend $35 for something that may have little if anything to do with our line of Ashcrafts. Still no luck with the Reids, however, I did post a query on the Reid forum. Hopefully, I’ll get a response.
Edna and Gladys, 1926

This afternoon we went for a great visit with Wanda and her husband, Carl. Doug and Cheryl were there also. We had great fun and laughed at many old memories and stories. Wanda’s mother, Gladys, was Gene’s mother, Edna’s, older sister. Wanda was not much help as far as identifying the old photos, only able to identify one person. Every little bit helps, but still I had placed a lot of faith in Wanda. They did tell a lot of stories about Edna, Gladys, and Shelda, grandma Ashcraft. Everybody liked to visit with grandma because she was so much fun—always having a good time. Shelda apparently liked to get dressed up and go shopping with Pearl. They were unable to verify that Pearl was Shelda’s sister, but at least I have a name to go with the face in the photo. Gladys, being older, liked to boss everybody around and would get mad if those being bossed didn’t do what they were told.
Shelda (R) and Pearl at Woolworths

Several stories were told about baby Gene, also. Wanda said she liked to visit at Aunt Edna’s because she liked to watch Gene. He was a happy child. There was a great deal of talk about his bathroom habits. Maybe more information than we really needed or wanted.
Gene and Doug
Wanda and Gene

Cheryl and myself.

Tomorrow we’ll go in search of Broomstick Cemetery in Coshocton Co. It’s not far from here, about 10 miles. Who knows, maybe we’ll get lucky.

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