
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Good News and Bad News

Peanut got up closer to 6 than to 5, which is good news since we are switching to Standard Time this weekend.  Finally, we will be back to our normal schedule in which Peanut and I get up at 5 for our quiet time together.  It is my reading and meditation and coffee sipping time while he sleeps on my lap.    I stumbled into the kitchen, stopping on the way to turn on a light, turn up the heat and grab the cat food out the coat closet.  I pushed the button on the coffee maker and opened the refrigerator to get some water.  The bad news is that the water was not cold.  I was not totally surprised.  On Sunday evening when I started to empty the ice tray I was totally surprised to find that it was not completely frozen.  At that time I assumed it was my old mind at work again and I had emptied the ice tray later in the day than I had remembered.  Since I was Ms Gad About yesterday, the refrigerator stayed closed most of the day and things were fine.  Last night when I got a drink of water it was cold.

Gene got out the owner’s manual and checked all the things the manual recommended in its troubleshooting list.  The good news is we are parked next door to Camping World on one side that sells refrigerators and Cullum and Maxey RV Center on the other side that repairs refrigerators.  Gene took the fuse out of the refrigerator and walked it over to Cullum and Maxey.  They checked it on their little fuse checking machine and determined that it was fine.  The bad news is the refrigerator is not fine even with the fine fuse.  There was nothing else to check in the troubleshooting list so I guess service is required.  The good news is Cullum and Maxey is right next door.  The bad news is they can’t do it until Thursday.

I mentioned several days ago that we had gathered up some stuff from our storage room to get rid of.  One of those things was a cooler which has been hanging around and never used in 3 years.  What luck.  Buying ice is bringing back memories of camping days.

We had invited Jack and Ansley over for dinner so I put the refrigerator to the back of my mind and went about preparing food.  I was actually glad we had somebody to help eat some of this stuff.  We had a good visit and even chuckled a little bit (a very little bit) about the refrigerator.

We have heard 2 bits of wisdom from fellow travelers this week.  One gentleman from Maine related the story his brother had told him when he was considering purchasing a class A motor home.  “You have to be prepared to write a check for $1000 at any time.”  Today when we were out peering into the back of the refrigerator our neighbor from Montana inquired about what we were finding so interesting.  He allowed as how the best tool in his toolbox was his checkbook.  Isn’t it ironic that just last night we were lamenting that in September we had already spent the maintenance budget for the year and hadn’t even gotten the truck tires yet.

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