
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Extra Storage in the Refrigerator

Today was refrigerator repair day.  We were to bring our trailer to Cullum and Maxey when they opened the gate at 7:45.  We were ready.  Gene drug himself out of bed practically in the middle of the night, disconnected all our life support lines and was ready to hitch up before the end of his first cup of coffee.  We pulled out of our site lamenting that we would have to back into it again and parked up at the head of the campground driveway with an eye on the gate at Cullum and Maxey.  Gene went in to announce our arrival, expecting to be told to pull into a service bay.  Instead, he was asked to unhitch right where we were.  That was fine, but it did cause us to wonder, if they didn’t need access to the stuff in the service area, why they couldn’t have come next door to us.  After all, we were just on the other side of the fence.  Oh well, I’m thinking good thoughts tonight so I’m not going to dwell on that little tidbit.

We had debated what to do after dropping off the trailer.  They had told us it would take all day.  That’s a problem with Peanut.  We finally decided we would just spend the day at our campsite.  We had water and electricity and the bathroom was close.  The weather was suppose to be great.  So we gathered enough books, computers, knitting, and sudoku to keep us busy all day.  I dug around in the closet and found Peanut’s harness and leach.  After dropping the trailer off, we came back to wait out the day at our site.  At first it was too cold to sit outside, but we were perfectly content in the truck.  Gene had a little work to do and I was starting a new book.  After about an hour we decided to go downtown to pick up our mail and get a couple more boxes from the storage room.

Enroute, we got the news about the refrigerator.  It wasn’t a simple fix.  The cooling system had gone out—about the worst thing it could be.  They were trying to get in touch with someone at Dometic (the manufacturer) regarding our warranty.  In any case, they couldn’t do anything else today, so we could pick up our home.  By the time we got back to the dealership, they had gotten word that our warranty would cover the nearly $1000 part, but we would have to pay the $500 labor charge.  We are so happy!  If Dometic had not given us the part, we would have bought a new refrigerator for $1400 rather than pay to have this one fixed for $1500.  Once again, God was watching over us.  The refrigerator was on a 3 year warranty which expires in about 2 weeks.

I spent the afternoon getting things back in order again and I brought back inside all that stuff I had gathered up to keep us occupied during the day.  Then I went through the cooler to try to get a little better organized with that.  Dometic was supposed to ship the part today to arrive tomorrow, but I really don’t have much hope for that happening.  I fully expect it to be Tuesday or Wednesday before we can get the repair done.  That’s a long time without a refrigerator. An organized cooler will help keep me from going crazy with this.  I also made cupcakes this afternoon.  That unused space in the refrigerator turned out to be a perfect spot to store those sweet treats. By the time our part comes in, no telling what I’ll be using that space for.

It looks like tomorrow I am going to be cooking pork chops and chicken.

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