
Friday, September 19, 2008

The End of the New York Journey

What a fantastic summer with so many wonderful memories. But, alas, our time has come to start heading south. Of course, we haven’t seen all there is to see in such a large state, but that just gives us reason to come again.

This entry will end the New York adventure and I will be starting a new journey with tomorrow’s posting. We are officially turning south now to head home for the holidays. We are heading back to Tennessee by way of Columbus, Ohio to visit with Gene’s family there. Gotta get across Pennsylvania some way so we thought it would be fun to take one of America’s most scenic highways, US Route 6, across the northern tier of the state from Milford to Erie, a distance of about 400 miles.

I have struggled to determine the best way to include this 10 day to 2 week sightseeing trip across Pennsylvania in my trip journal. It definitely is not part of New York, but not quite in the home for the holidays category either. So I have decided to let it have its own separate space—Pennsylvania’s Route 6. I always seem to lose a few regular readers every time I create a new journey, however, I also want anyone interested in Pennsylvania to be able to find the entries easily without them being buried in New York or family holiday stuff.

So, adjust your favorites list to Pennsylvania’s Route 6 and come on along for the ride from the Poconos to Lake Erie.

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