
Saturday, August 9, 2008

Whiteface Mountain

Whiteface Mtn from Ski Resort at the base

The sun came up on a big blue sky this morning so we threw our stuff in our packs and headed up the mountain. After our first attempt a week ago we had studied the map and guidebook in detail and decided an unmaintained and unmarked trail to Mt. Marble would get us up Whiteface in 2 less miles. Last week we had seen the trail intersection sign where the trail connects with the Wilmington Trail. The Mt. Marble trail essentially follows the old T-bar lift route from when this section of mountain was used for skiing. The trail was easy to follow (right up the stream bed) and we both agreed it was easier than the Wilmington Trail even though it was nearly as steep.
The trail up Whiteface Mountain

Once on the Wilmington Trail, we climbed steeply and steadily for about a mile and a half. The trail leveled off for about a mile after that, but level was wet (almost as wet as last week when it was raining. I have decided they really don’t “build” trail here. They just route the trail through the stream bed, wet or dry it makes no difference, and then just tack up trail markers on the trees. There was one point in the trail where I think we actually crossed a pond. By the end of the day my boots were so wet and heavy with mud I felt like I was lifting club feet. Then came the steep pitch to the summit. Once on top, the view was spectacular. There were a few clouds, but we had good views of the high peaks region, Lake Champlain, and Vermont.
The summit as seen from the trial

Parking lot for those driving up to the top

Whiteface is the 5th highest peak in New York and it is a skier’s mecca. It’s not just world class, it is Olympic class with a 3,166 feet vertical run, the greatest this side of the Rockies. Whiteface stands alone a little north of the rest of the high peaks so the views from the top are fantastic. On a clear day, they say you can see Lake Champlain, Vermont, and all the way to Montreal. The Atmospheric Sciences Research Center maintains a summit building which houses some of their equipment. It has a great observation deck.
Atmospheric Sciences Research Bldg
Great view of Lake Placid
On the summit

Opportunities for activity abound on the mountain. In addition to the ski runs there are hiking and mountain biking trails. Whiteface is the only high peak in the Adirondacks whose summit is accessible by car. The Whiteface Mountain Veterans Memorial Highway will get you almost to the top. Our special “see it all” tickets include this so we will wait for another sunny day and go to the top again.
Tram building and ski runs
View from Mt Marble

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