
Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Chore Day

From time to time you just have to get the work done. Today was the day. I spent my day vacuuming, dusting, doing laundry and I even ironed a few things. I try not to iron. Generally, I can get by without that little chore in the summer, but it has been so cool this past week that we wore several long sleeved shirts and blue jeans. I saw advertized on TV last night a new product by one of the fabric softener manufactures that you spray on cloths and the wrinkles just fall out. I’ll have to investigate that. Sure would be nice to get rid of the ironing board and iron.

Gene busied himself with waxing the Montana. That is an ongoing project. He just does a little bit at a time—about an hours worth. I know as time passes the decals will fade and fiberglass will begin to look weathered, but for now it shines like a new penny. He works hard to keep it that way. Of course, it may cost us a pretty penny (or an arm and a leg, as the saying goes) to have his shoulder replaced—damaged by so much rubbing.

Together we have been cleaning out the refrigerator today. We are moving Monday so I wanted to get all those little bits and dabs of leftovers eaten. We had a fairly international lunch—Chinese BBQ on a hamburger bun with tortilla chips. Dinner was a variety of chicken (a leg, thigh, and a couple wings from a rotisserie chicken from the grocery, and half of a Greek seasoned chicken breast I didn’t eat last night), some taco seasoned beef, a serving of mashed potatoes, and mac and cheese. The second time around this stuff doesn’t sound too appetizing. But my mama taught me not to waste good food—something about all those starving children in third world countries. Maybe I could just mail it to them.

Tomorrow will be our last day here. We are going to Lake Placid for one last look around and to fill up on diesel fuel. I am sad to be leaving. Usually, by the end of the third week at any place, I am ready to move on. Not so here. But, alas, the Big Apple calls.

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