
Monday, August 11, 2008

Cat Tricks

Today has been a lazy day around our house. It has rained off and on all day so it was a good day to read and do just about nothing. I really need to defrost the freezer and clean the oven, but the freezer is too full and I’ll have to think of some excuse for the oven.

This afternoon Gene and I walked to the Little Supermarket for bread and milk. Wilmington is a very small town—only about a mile from one side to the other in any direction. There is really only one major intersection and it doesn’t even have a traffic light. We needed to stretch our legs so in between rain showers we went to the store. On our way back we stopped in at the Home Made Adirondack Chocolate Store. It was hard, but we finally selected about 8 small pieces to try plus a 3 x 3 square of almond bark. That little, bitty bag of chocolate came to over $7. We took our milk, bread, and little sack of chocolate and made a mad dash for the campground with thunder rumbling in the background.

Back at the Montana I put the little dab of chocolate into a small bowl. Gene and I each selected a piece and I put the bowl on the table. At some point, Peanut woke up from his nap. I didn’t realize he had found the bowl of chocolate until I heard it hit the floor. All I could see was dollar signs as I crawled along the floor to gather up my precious chocolates. Peanut found one I had missed under the sofa, but I rescued it before he had eaten too much. Just a couple teeth marks on one side. I put it back in the bowl. It was too expensive to throw away.

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