
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our First Hike

Contributed by Gene

We took the Cooper Kiln Trail to the pond of the same name from Franklin Falls Road and then retraced our route to the truck. It was great to be in the North Woods again. We only climbed to about 3000 feet, yet the vegetation was similar to 5000 feet in the Smokies. We walked through what seemed like miles of wet bog resulting in muddy legs and muddier boots. We saw some old friends along the way—three kinds of club moss, a viburnum, a trillium gone to seed, Solomon seal gone to seed, and some bluebead lily. We had not seen so much paper birch in maybe ever.
Cooper Kiln Pond

The best was the pond. I would have called it a tarn, but that is semantics. It reminded Judi and I of the High Sierra lakes or perhaps Colorado. The hillside above the pond was low and forested, but this was definitely a mountain pond with frogs, dragonflies, and yellow water lily. And big white rocks by the shore to sit upon. We could only sing praises to the creator for such a place as this. It was a great first outing in the Adirondacks.
Indian Pipe
Paper birch

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