
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What Time Is It?

I get a little disoriented with regards to time when we change time zones. I’m easily confused, I guess. But I don’t get nearly as confused as the cat does. Peanut has a pretty regular schedule for his meal and I can count on him to let me know when it is feeding time. That includes the morning meal which he likes at 5 AM Eastern time. I’m a morning person so it is really not a problem. I get up, feed him, put on coffee, and post this blog. I am finished with my posting about the time the coffee is ready. I get a cup and stumbled to the recliner. I prop up my feet, throw the afghan over my legs, and attend to my daily Bible reading and sudoku puzzles. Peanut eats what little he is inclined to eat, plays with his mouse for a bit, then climbs up into my lap for his nap.

Knowing that we would be moving to the Central time zone, I have been gradually trying to adjust Peanut’s schedule. 5 AM is good for me, but not 4 AM. We have been working on this for a couple weeks and things are pretty good with him now. But boy am I confused. I have been living my schedule by Eastern time and the cat’s by Central time. When we arrived in Nashville yesterday, I set the microwave clock and bedside clock on what I thought was Central time. Of course, I was wrong, but my loving husband reset them for me. The wall clock is much more difficult to change, so, if we are not staying long in Central time, we don’t change it at all. And I also leave my computer on Eastern time. I have been swiveling my head back and forth today trying to figure out what time it is.

It reminded me of a trip we made last fall from Knoxville to Crossville, TN for our annual hiking club meeting. When we got there I was a bit confused about what time zone we were in. I did not recall seeing the time zone sign along the interstate, but my cell phone had switched to Central time. However, Gene's cell phone remained on Eastern time. My mother called wanting to know where I was (they were also on their way to the annual meeting) and during the course of our conversation I asked her what time zone were we in, Eastern or Central. Her reply--"local time". I guess she gets a little confused, too.

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